I get far more email than I am currently able to answer. Considerable email asks “how do I order a board”? I have updated the PC board ordering page in an effort to reduce these emails. I get a few emails asking technical questions about the PC boards. These will all be answered, but lately the I can only respond to Tubelab email on weekends. Tubelab email access is forbidden at work, and lately I have been at work until late almost every weekday. For now I can still check in to the diyAudio vacuum tube forum at lunch and after 5PM from work. There is nearly always an active thread about Tubelab amplifiers under construction. The people are friendly and there are plenty of people who have already finished their Tubelab amps if I am not available. Anyone can read posts, but you need to register to post questions or download anything. I have started compiling a FAQ page based on previous email and forum posts. It will be added to this web site as time permits.