This web site is here to present the amplifier designs and circuit ideas that I have developed. Much of the information is intended for experienced tube amp builders. We do not intend to cover basic electronics or vacuum tube theory. Neither will we devote much time to the classic designs that are already well covered on the web. I have initially focused on circuits and ideas that are unique,
Due to the many requests, I have attempted to add content that is useful to a vacuum tube beginner. I will attempt to write new content such that it can be understood by a beginner, but this is often impossible when dealing with advanced topics. I have recently designed an amplifier that could be built by a beginner, but is still useful to an advanced user. I have added a color coded tag to each page that attempts to demonstrate the skill level that is required by a project or a concept.
This green tag indicates that this project or concept could be attempted by people of all skill levels. The reader should still understand the risks involved, and the safety required with the voltages involved in vacuum tube electronics.
This yellow tag indicates that some knowledge of vacuum tube electronics is assumed for understanding of the concepts presented, OR that some previous vacuum tube project construction experience is needed to build the project.
This orange tag indicates a project or concept that requires considerable knowledge or experience to complete. Often this is because complete construction details are not presented.
This red tag is used to indicate a project that involves very high voltages, or a concept that has little chance of success without considerable experimentation.
All material and schematics on these pages are (c) Copyright 1999-2007 by George Anderson and Tubelab Inc. The information presented here is intended for the personal use of the reader. You may freely use the information contained in this site to build your own equipment. You should not use this information to produce commercial equipment without a licensing agreement. It is my intention to freely share all of the designs that I have. I will not attempt to patent any of the unique designs or keep them out of the public domain.